Welcome! GREAT NEWS!
The directors of Metro Vancouver and the Capital Regional District – who together represent over 62% of BC’s population – have voted to advocate for the BC Government to introduce a province-wide trip reduction program (“TRP4BC”).
What is the proposed TRP4BC? The Provincial Government would require all large employers and major trip generators to measure and report on the VKT, mode share and CO2e associated with:
- their employees’ commuting,
- their clientele’s travel and
- local shipping & delivery.
and make “best efforts” to improve on those metrics.
TRP4BC will reduce unnecessary, unwanted and unfair commuting and other vehicular travel, and boost biking, walking and transit use – which is needed to reach CleanBC’s Roadmap to 2030 targets. Check out this explainer video (watch at 1.5X speed if you prefer).
How TRP4BC will operate is quite innovative – the blueprint is based on a decade of world-leading research and development by the CloserCommutes.org consortium of BC consultants and non-profits. We will support the earnest participation of over 8,700 large public and private sector organizations across the province (who collectively employ 57% of the province’s workforce!). Check out the video below for the operational blueprint.
Our consortium’s research and analyses show that within a year tens of thousands of people in BC could be enjoying closer, greener, active and more affordable commutes and other trips. Through straightforward, little-to-no-cost actions by employers we can quickly eliminate 10% of all vehicle-kilometres-traveled [VKT] across our province’s urban areas – relieving congestion, pollution and cost for everyone.
The modest budget for Government to support and administer TRP4BC will be dwarfed by the hundreds of millions in benefits to commuters, their families, employers, the economy and the environment.
A positive ROI for the employers!
Many tactics are simple & low-cost (some have zero cost), yet can be immediately beneficial to the employer, the employees, society and the environment.
Smaller-scale programs in other jurisdictions have demonstrated a positive ROI for an organization, notably by reducing costs for human resources and facilities.
Consider that: arranging for shorter, healthier commutes will decrease absenteeism
Did you know the BC Government spends >$300 million annually to cover teacher absences, and >$1 billion to cover absences in the health sector?
Transportation accounts for almost 40% of BC’s carbon emissions. If BC is to meet its carbon reduction goals, bold action in transportation is required. We simply must improve efficiency. This trip reduction initiative is designed to encourage a culture of sustainability that will mobilize every BC citizen to take positive actions small and large, to increase efficiency at home and at work. Together we can ensure sustainability of BC’s economy, environment and quality of life.
To see the extensive research and development behind this proposal to Government, check out the “How” page.
Want more info? Contact our research & advocacy team at closecommute@gmail.com or bruce.batchelor@gmail.com
Are you sitting in traffic gridlock for hours each week?
Our analysis of Statistics Canada data shows that within a year over 10,000 people in Vancouver and Victoria could be offered closer commutes simply by switching to work places closer to their homes – same job and employer, same pay and benefits, with a shorter, less expensive, greener commute. Accepting a transfer would be voluntary, but why would anyone turn down this opportunity?
Factoid: in 2006, the BC Teachers’ Federation membership voted unanimously to urge the Government to support “green lateral exchange-transfers” but the Education Ministry has not yet moved on this common-sense health request, despite paying out over $300 million a year on sickness absences.
Imagine how life will be improved for so many people when so much needless commuting is eliminated. Trip reduction tactics are straightforward for employers to implement – and are proven to save the employer money on HR expenses and to boost productivity.